Athlete Race Recap: Paige’s Butterfly Run, Rock Hall Triathlon, Silver Serpent Triathlon, & Gettysburg Tri Club Swim Festival

Posted On:
Friday, June 9, 2023
Updated On:
Tuesday, July 18, 2023
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Several Full Circle Endurance athletes raced a variety of endurance events this past weekend!

Paige’s Butterfly Run

Mary Beth (MB) Domachowske ran Paige’s Butterfly Run in Syracuse, New York on Saturday, June 3, 2023. This 5K race is a beloved event in Syracuse. Raising money for pediatric cancer research, it welcomes thousands of runners and walkers of all ages. Most participants do so on a team, which fuels the community spirit that surrounds this special race.

MB has been brave and trying new things this season via a Custom-Built Training Plan. One of these new things is consistently training using a run/walk strategy and then deploying that method in a race scenario. She did this for the first time during Paige’s Butterfly Run on Saturday and was pleasantly surprised that her body felt good and that she ultimately finished in a faster time using this method than if she had run the entire race.

Way to go, MB!

Rock Hall Triathlon
Carolyn and her husband Mark enjoy some post-race beverages.

Carolyn Classen returned to the Rock Hall Triathlon in Rock Hall, Maryland on Saturday, June 3, 2023. Carolyn loves this race and really looks forward to it each year.

This year, Carolyn is in a new age group (which she has been very excited about).  There were more than twice the number of athletes in her age group this year as a 60-year-old than there were last year when she was 59, but she still managed to come away with the top spot and finish first place out of the 60-64 ladies!  She managed her efforts well throughout the race, coming away with strong splits in the swim, bike, and run even though temperatures climbed.  She crossed the finish line feeling strong.

Congratulations, Carolyn!

Silver Serpent Triathlon

Gerad Levey kicked off his triathlon season on Sunday, June 4, 2023 at the Silver Serpent Triathlon in Silver Lake, New York!

Gerad had some trouble on the swim, but he was able to use the tools in his Athlete’s Toolbelt to calm himself and be able to carry on to finish the swim strong. He capped off the race with a solid bike and run. As a C-Race, this was a good opportunity for Gerad to dust off the cobwebs before his A-Race, which is in a month. Now, we can apply the lessons he learned in this race to his training for the next month as he finalizes his preparations for the race that matters most to him.

Nice work, Gerad!

Gettysburg Tri Club Swim Festival

Neil Beck swam in the inaugural Gettysburg Tri Club Swim Festival in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania on Sunday, June 4, 2023!

This was a grassroots event put on by the local triathlon club, and one that Neil (who is a lifelong swimmer and swim coach) was excited to support.  Neil reports that they ended up having wonderful weather and “superb” water conditions.  Using this event as a C-Race in preparation for a long-course triathlon next month, he had a strong day and got in a high-quality longer swim.

Good work, Neil!


Coach Laura Henry

Laura Henry is a Syracuse, NY-based coach who is a USA Triathlon Level II Long Course and Level II Paratriathlon Certified Coach, USA Cycling Level 2 Certified Coach, VFS Certified Bike Fitter, and has successfully completed NASM's Certified Personal Trainer course. Coach Laura is passionate about helping athletes of all ability levels reach their goals and has coached many athletes to success.

She can be reached at

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