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"Coach Laura has provided me with a solid training plan via Performance Coaching for the last four years.  She has helped me navigate several life changing events, injuries, and illnesses while providing me with support and guidance through it all.  Together, we have overcome a worldwide pandemic and have still seen the finish line of many athletic events!  One event that stands out to me was the Magic Valley Rim-to-Rim, a 7.5-mile run that starts with a 6% grade out of the Snake River Canyon in Twin Falls Idaho. 

Through her expertise I have also been able to observe how consistency has allowed me to achieve my goals and lead a healthier physical and mental life.  Lastly, Coach Laura is more than a coach; she has become a close friend and confidant.  I can tell her how I am feeling or what is going on whether it applies to training or life!"

Amy Otero

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