The Full Circle Podcast

Coach Tip Tuesday: You Don't Need to Always Do The Hardest or the Most
Published On:
Tuesday, May 14, 2024
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When it’s up to you to decide what to do in a workout, what do you choose in terms of duration, distance, and intensity?  Do you choose to go the hardest and/or longest you possibly can?  Contrary to popular opinion, The Hardest and/or The Most is not necessarily The Best.

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Meet The Host:  

Coach Laura Henry

Laura Henry is a Syracuse, NY-based coach who is a USA Triathlon Level II Long Course and Level II Paratriathlon Certified Coach, USA Cycling Level 2 Certified Coach, VFS Certified Bike Fitter, and has successfully completed NASM's Certified Personal Trainer course. Coach Laura is passionate about helping athletes of all ability levels reach their goals and has coached many athletes to success.

She can be reached at

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